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Re: Service Link - PennyMac
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 7/19/20 3:39pm Msg #622192
I agree about the electronic scan. Whenever possible, I like to take myself out of the middle of the 'get a copy of ID' process. In fact, it's my personal business policy to never have copies of signers' IDs on any of my electronic devices. The only exceptions would be when the ID copy is part of an entire document scan. (I think i might have also made an exception or two for an elderly couple who didn't have the equipment to do it on their own and getting a copy elsewhere would have been very difficult.

It's been a very long time since I've had any issues with this, but I like the idea of getting them to sign a statement. (I've used that with people who refuse to sign their full name, when it's clear that it could be a problem.) What surprises me is how many people, when they don't manage to make a paper copy of their IDs, are willing to just take a photo and send it electronically to their EO. (The best is when I can just forward them an email from the EO, along with their co name, contact details and photo, and have them take the pic and send right then.)

I agree with Linda, that I don't think I'd agree to have someone scanning my ID into their laptop at a signing! We're required to notate that info in our journals here, so people expect us to write that down. But we're also required to maintain all our journals (and all the info they contain) under our "exclusive control", i.e. under lock and key, at all times, until we retire or die, at which time they're to be turned over to the office of the County Recorder where our commission is filed.
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Messages in this Thread
 Service Link - PennyMac - Notarydude on 7/19/20 2:25am
 Re: Service Link - PennyMac - Notarydude on 7/19/20 2:29am
 Re: Service Link - PennyMac - Luckydog on 7/19/20 11:34am
 Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof -  VT_Syrup on 7/19/20 11:51am
 Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof -  VT_Syrup on 7/19/20 12:01pm
 Re: Service Link - PennyMac - Lee/AR on 7/19/20 6:40am
 Re: Service Link - PennyMac - Lee/AR on 7/19/20 7:01am
 Re: Service Link - PennyMac - Art_FL on 7/19/20 7:49am
 Re: Service Link - PennyMac - Linda_H/FL on 7/19/20 7:58am
 Like Linda said plus .. - BobbiCT on 7/19/20 8:41am
 Re: Like Linda said plus fact - Linda_H/FL on 7/19/20 9:54am
 WOW--what a horrible experience. If the borrower thought -  MW/VA on 7/19/20 10:32am
 agree with Linda.... - notarydi/CA on 7/19/20 10:47am
 Re: WOW--what a horrible experience. If the borrower thought - Luckydog on 7/19/20 1:32pm
 Re: Service Link - PennyMac -  JanetK_CA on 7/19/20 3:39pm
 Re: SL couldn't get a closer notary??? - NVLSlady/VA on 7/20/20 10:53am
 Re: SL couldn -  Claudine Osborne on 7/21/20 9:38am

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