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Right on Happy FL!
Posted by Nd/WA of ? on 12/8/04 3:08pm Msg #13029
"Dead-Beat" and "El-Cheapo" goes hand in hand. I will not sign an ICA that contain a close to nothing fee schedule. There are not mamy SA in my area and I know some will take just anything based on my experience with the "sorry, doc is not ready, loan is cancel, or let me see if I can get that fee approved." I've learned that it would be their last resort (last minute)to call me so I always quoted atleast 2x more.

There are lots of fish in the sea and tree to cut....They will come/grow your way so, be patient!
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Messages in this Thread
 Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - Pam/FL on 12/8/04 8:19am
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - kmnotary_CA on 12/8/04 10:02am
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - PAnotary on 12/8/04 10:33am
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - asicollect on 12/8/04 10:51am
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - PAnotary on 12/8/04 11:08am
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - BJT on 12/9/04 9:02am
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - sue on 12/8/04 11:39am
 Re: Know what you mean...!!!! - Happy in Fl on 12/8/04 12:38pm
 Right on Happy FL! - Nd/WA on 12/8/04 3:08pm
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - Ted_MI on 12/8/04 2:01pm
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - CaliNotary on 12/8/04 4:02pm
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - Mortgage Closers of San Antonio - Kenneth C Whitton Jr on 12/8/04 9:53pm
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies -  kmnotary_CA on 12/9/04 1:17am
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - kmnotary_CA on 12/9/04 1:18am
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - Terri - CA on 12/9/04 2:13pm
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies -  HisHughness on 12/9/04 2:27pm
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - AngieCA on 12/9/04 6:23pm
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - AngieCA on 12/9/04 7:38pm

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