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Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies
Posted by AngieCA of ? on 12/9/04 7:38pm Msg #13159
Hello HisHughness,

Your last msg read "I've done two for Vital Signings. One paid in 11 days, the other in 9. Both were many months ago, and both were above average pay for an SS. In fact, looking back at my records, it's been quite a while since they've sent me anything. I think I'll give them a reminder call."

When you give them a reminder call, what will you say in order to get more signings from them? Thanks in advance.

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Messages in this Thread
 Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - Pam/FL on 12/8/04 8:19am
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - kmnotary_CA on 12/8/04 10:02am
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - PAnotary on 12/8/04 10:33am
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - asicollect on 12/8/04 10:51am
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - PAnotary on 12/8/04 11:08am
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - BJT on 12/9/04 9:02am
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - sue on 12/8/04 11:39am
 Re: Know what you mean...!!!! - Happy in Fl on 12/8/04 12:38pm
 Right on Happy FL! - Nd/WA on 12/8/04 3:08pm
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - Ted_MI on 12/8/04 2:01pm
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - CaliNotary on 12/8/04 4:02pm
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - Mortgage Closers of San Antonio - Kenneth C Whitton Jr on 12/8/04 9:53pm
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies -  kmnotary_CA on 12/9/04 1:17am
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - kmnotary_CA on 12/9/04 1:18am
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - Terri - CA on 12/9/04 2:13pm
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies -  HisHughness on 12/9/04 2:27pm
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - AngieCA on 12/9/04 6:23pm
 Re: Sick and tired of deadbeat Signing Companies - AngieCA on 12/9/04 7:38pm

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