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There is an upside to rising interest rates for some.
Posted by Mills Mobile Notary Service of OR on 6/24/22 1:22pm Msg #641032
Just signed a nice older couple to a adjustable rate Reverse Mortgage. They were smart cookies, more income for them now and more in the future as rates go up.

Also doing more HELOCs since everyone now has lots of equity, even if the interest rate is higher.
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Messages in this Thread
 There is an upside to rising interest rates for some. - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 6/24/22 1:22pm
 ARMs are making a comeback, too, for some. n/m -  JanetK_CA on 6/24/22 1:55pm
 7 years ago HELOCs paid $80 for a 12-pages. Just curious, - grapebed on 6/24/22 2:53pm
 Re: 7 years ago HELOCs paid $80 for a 12-pages. Just curious, - Mobile1/PA on 6/25/22 7:39am
 Break-even is term used in the bond market. Inflation - grapebed on 6/25/22 11:15am
 Re: 7 years ago HELOCs paid $80 for a 12-pages. Just curious, -  Yoli/CA on 6/25/22 12:39pm
 Re: 7 years ago HELOCs paid $80 for a 12-pages. Just curious, - Mobile1/PA on 6/25/22 2:39pm
 Re: 7 years ago HELOCs paid $80 for a 12-pages. Just curious, -  Yoli/CA on 6/25/22 3:13pm
 85% of the time, I won’t drive more than 4 miles one- - grapebed on 6/25/22 4:29pm
 In addition to the cost of doing business, what really - grapebed on 6/25/22 3:26pm
 Re: In addition to the cost of doing business, what really - PaigeTurner on 6/26/22 7:56pm
 Not going to happen. Supply/demand is driving fees down & -  MW/VA on 6/25/22 2:55pm
 Re: 7 years ago HELOCs paid $80 for a 12-pages. Just curious, - PaigeTurner on 6/25/22 5:39pm
 Re: 7 years ago HELOCs paid $80 for a 12-pages. Just curious, - grapebed on 6/25/22 5:53pm
 Re: 7 years ago HELOCs paid $80 for a 12-pages. Just curious, -  JanetK_CA on 6/26/22 1:56am
 Re: 7 years ago HELOCs paid $80 for a 12-pages. Just curious, - grapebed on 6/26/22 8:04am
 Agree Janet - PaigeTurner on 6/26/22 7:37pm
 Re: There is an upside to rising interest rates for some. - PaigeTurner on 6/26/22 7:32pm
 Re: There is an upside to rising interest rates for some. -  Expeditor on 6/27/22 1:00pm

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