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Re: I was embarrassed .....
Posted by SteveS/CA of CA on 9/30/22 10:58am Msg #642564
A fistful of $100 bills for one notarization? If I were you the first thing I'd do is take the cash to the bank and make sure it isn't counterfeit.
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Messages in this Thread
 I was embarrassed ..... - grapebed on 9/29/22 8:49pm
 Re: I was embarrassed ..... - AngelaV/CA on 9/30/22 12:01am
 Don't be embarrassed--be grateful! I've only had a couple -  MW/VA on 9/30/22 9:46am
 Re: I was embarrassed ..... - SteveS/CA on 9/30/22 10:58am
 Re: I was embarrassed ..... -  Yoli/CA on 9/30/22 11:59am
 Re: I was embarrassed ..... - lowerAL on 10/3/22 2:43pm
 You feel embarrassed because you were tipped for providing - ananotary on 9/30/22 2:40pm
 Re: You feel embarrassed because you were tipped for providing -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/30/22 2:49pm
 Re: You feel embarrassed because you were tipped for providing - Jose Manuel Lugo on 9/30/22 3:29pm
 Re: You feel embarrassed because you were tipped for providing - ananotary on 9/30/22 3:32pm
 Re: You feel embarrassed because you were tipped for providing -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/30/22 3:43pm
 A fistful of C-Notes is not very much money in this day and - grapebed on 9/30/22 4:30pm
 Re: A fistful of C-Notes is not very much money in this day and -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/30/22 4:54pm
 Re: A fistful of C-Notes is not very much money in this day and - ananotary on 9/30/22 9:57pm
 Don't be confused. I make a profit. I only accept highly - grapebed on 10/1/22 11:20am
 Re: Don - ananotary on 10/1/22 12:42pm
 Oh my!. RIF. I would never accept a job that required an - grapebed on 10/1/22 2:16pm
 Again, you are so confusing. This was your post during the - ananotary on 10/2/22 1:13pm
 I stand by my comment. There is no chance that I will ever - grapebed on 10/2/22 7:08pm
 Re: I stand by my comment. There is no chance that I will ever - ananotary on 10/2/22 8:30pm
 Just relax - PaigeTurner on 10/4/22 12:56pm
 Re: Just relax - grapebed on 10/4/22 5:23pm
 Re: Just relax - PaigeTurner on 10/5/22 4:17pm
 Re: Oh my!. RIF. I would never accept a job that required an - lowerAL on 10/3/22 2:47pm
 Re: Oh my!. RIF. I would never accept a job that required an - Maurice Williams on 10/4/22 11:39pm
 Sounds miserable! -  Cheryl Elliott on 10/1/22 1:23pm
 It's a good "pity tip" as you see it - PaigeTurner on 10/3/22 10:49am
 It was a lovely and gracious gesture for which I am grateful n/m - grapebed on 10/4/22 12:06pm
 Nice to hear the positivity :) n/m - PaigeTurner on 10/4/22 12:14pm
 Re: You feel embarrassed because you were tipped for providing - Jans04 on 10/6/22 8:30am
 Re: I was embarrassed ..... -  ML/PA on 9/30/22 7:40pm
 Re: I was embarrassed ..... - lowerAL on 10/3/22 2:40pm

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