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Re: Fee Reduced After completing order
Posted by Alicia Drago of FL on 10/30/23 11:01amMsg #647080
They did the same thing to our notary company this month. They sent an order out at $115 and we accepted it. Afterwards they went into Snapdocs and updated the "scanback requirements", but didn't actually make any changes to the requirements only updating the fee to $80. We did not catch it until they paid us $35 short. Their response is we were required to notify them within 10 days and they don't care what the original order says. Their unprofessional and unethical practices will catch up with them. I'm sure this is an indication that they're on their way out if they have to start chipping off fees to keep going.
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Messages in this Thread
 Fee Reduced After completing order - NNaftaly/TX on 9/22/23 9:49am
 Who is the signing company, where are they located? n/m -  Yoli/CA on 9/22/23 10:27am
 Definitely unfair. Who's the co.? n/m -  MW/VA on 9/22/23 11:08am
 Nah..can't penalize you for their admitted error - Lee/AR on 9/22/23 11:30am
 Re: Fee Reduced After completing order -  JanetK_CA on 9/22/23 3:20pm
 Re: Fee Reduced After completing order - NNaftaly/TX on 9/22/23 4:21pm
 Re: Fee Reduced After completing order -  Yoli/CA on 9/22/23 4:49pm
 Re: Fee Reduced After completing order - NNaftaly/TX on 9/23/23 6:43am
 Politely 'discuss' this shortage w/them. DO IT! n/m - Lee/AR on 9/27/23 12:19pm
 Definity not OK... n/m - FeliseSoCal on 9/25/23 1:02pm
 Re: Definity not OK... - pdl/cali on 9/26/23 10:02pm
 Re: Fee Reduced After completing order - Alicia Drago on 10/30/23 11:01am

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