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Exactly @SteveS Re: To Whomever added ZigSig to Signing C
Posted by Anna Fox of TX on 6/10/24 8:13am Msg #648611
I would also add that if my payment is coming from you/someone then you are the service I am expecting to pay me and full disclosure of your non-payment is what is important to share

If your payment is contingent on something, then it is your responsibility to do whatever those actions are to get yourself paid. Just as the Notaries are responsible for completing their tasks to get paid.

Layers of others not doing their collection work or whatever it may be, that is preventing notaries who completed their job to get paid is ineffective. If your payment info was in error to Title, but all my info was correct, I am still not paid. Thru zero error or fault, I am the one who did the work and unpaid.

The service had zero response until it was public info Re no pay. Yet several emails in and out of portal were sent asking to check on payment. What is the service doing if not collecting and distributing payment?
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Messages in this Thread
 Non payment? - Jose Manuel Lugo on 6/7/24 9:44am
 You are correct Re: Non payment? - TxFox on 6/7/24 2:36pm
 Way to go Fox...more than one way to slay the dragon -  Cheryl Elliott on 6/7/24 7:30pm
 To Whomever added ZigSig to Signing Central and linked ... -  Yoli/CA on 6/9/24 9:42am
 Re: To Whomever added ZigSig to Signing Central and linked ... - SteveS/CA on 6/9/24 10:44am
 Exactly @SteveS Re: To Whomever added ZigSig to Signing C - Anna Fox on 6/10/24 8:13am
 @Yoli TX Re: To Whomever added ZigSig to Signing C - TxFox on 6/10/24 8:17am
 Think ALL platforms should be rated. Info can't hurt. - Lee/AR on 6/10/24 2:21pm
 Re: Think ALL platforms should be rated. Info can - SteveS/CA on 6/10/24 8:13pm
 Contact: Way to go Fox.. - Anna Fox on 6/10/24 8:06am
 Re: Contact: Way to go Fox.. -  Yoli/CA on 6/10/24 8:56am
 Re: Contact: Way to go Fox.. - SteveS/CA on 6/10/24 10:14am
 Re: Contact: Way to go Fox.. -  JanetK_CA on 6/10/24 8:37pm

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