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Posted by  Cheryl Elliott of CA on 7/5/24 6:52pm Msg #648788
The POA requires an acknowledgment. In CA a thumbprint is also required in our journal.
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Messages in this Thread
 POA -  David Everett on 7/5/24 6:44pm
 Re: POA -  Cheryl Elliott on 7/5/24 6:52pm
 Re: POA -  JanetK_CA on 7/5/24 8:09pm
 Re: POA -  Yoli/CA on 7/5/24 10:51pm
 Re: POA - Clem/CA on 7/6/24 9:42am
 Wow...did this thread go off the rails... - Linda_H/FL on 7/6/24 11:19am
 Re: Wow...did this thread go off the rails... -  Yoli/CA on 7/6/24 12:00pm
 Re: POA -  Cheryl Elliott on 7/6/24 4:54pm
 Re: POA - anotaryinva on 7/6/24 8:07pm
 Re: POA -  CPNS2006 on 7/8/24 8:25am
 Re: POA -  Expeditor on 7/11/24 4:01pm
 Re: POA - EJC/LA on 7/13/24 12:11pm
 EJC/LA: are you in Louisiana or Florida or elsewhere? n/m -  Yoli/CA on 7/13/24 12:14pm
 I'm guessing Lousiana n/m -  JanetK_CA on 7/13/24 4:28pm
 Re: POA - EJC/LA on 7/13/24 11:59am
 Re: POA - Vegyes/VA on 7/20/24 3:04pm

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