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Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 7/5/24 8:09pm Msg #648789
If your state notary law doesn't address specific verbiage, I'd use whatever is normal or required for the type of notarization requested. (Most states prohibit us from determining whether the notarization should be an acknowledgment or a jurat, unless we're also a lawyer.)

Having said that, when it comes to notarizing a POA document, there should be more to it than just completing a notary certificate, regardless of what our state law does or doesn't say. Hopefully this is something you already know, but personally, I take a little extra care with determining the mental competence and willingness of a signer for POA documents. There's nothing in my state law that addresses this and I use our standard certificate verbiage. BUT... POA documents are the ones mostly likely to be contested and create legal and other headaches for the signer - and the notary, if challenged. So it just makes sense to me to do whatever I can to prevent ending up in the middle of that type of situation.
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Messages in this Thread
 POA -  David Everett on 7/5/24 6:44pm
 Re: POA -  Cheryl Elliott on 7/5/24 6:52pm
 Re: POA -  JanetK_CA on 7/5/24 8:09pm
 Re: POA -  Yoli/CA on 7/5/24 10:51pm
 Re: POA - Clem/CA on 7/6/24 9:42am
 Wow...did this thread go off the rails... - Linda_H/FL on 7/6/24 11:19am
 Re: Wow...did this thread go off the rails... -  Yoli/CA on 7/6/24 12:00pm
 Re: POA -  Cheryl Elliott on 7/6/24 4:54pm
 Re: POA - anotaryinva on 7/6/24 8:07pm
 Re: POA -  CPNS2006 on 7/8/24 8:25am
 Re: POA -  Expeditor on 7/11/24 4:01pm
 Re: POA - EJC/LA on 7/13/24 12:11pm
 EJC/LA: are you in Louisiana or Florida or elsewhere? n/m -  Yoli/CA on 7/13/24 12:14pm
 I'm guessing Lousiana n/m -  JanetK_CA on 7/13/24 4:28pm
 Re: POA - EJC/LA on 7/13/24 11:59am
 Re: POA - Vegyes/VA on 7/20/24 3:04pm

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