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Re: This still hasn
Posted by Pamela/CA of CA on 9/17/24 10:22am Msg #649279
Nope! No payment. Anthony has warned Standard that he is 'blacklisting' us as SA's - therefore, our client, Standard has told us that he will not pay us "again"! If we want the money, we must go to and sign up to get it!
Yesterday, Monday, I began the process of filing complaints. Its time consuming but cannot let Standard get away with this shell game. I began with the job - it was for a large Real Estate Attorney firm in Florida. I contacted them to let them know the who, the what, and that I'm not seeking payment from them - just a courtesy notice that their job will be referenced in the filings. Their response was shock and surprise. They gave us info on check they sent to Standard Notary Services. They thought Dalton Jewett was a Florida Notary and surprised his commission expired 2023! NotaryPay LLC is vicious. We are adding their name to our job acceptances saying that we will not accept payment thru 3rd party payors such as NotaryPay LLC. We began today on that.
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Messages in this Thread
 Standard Notary Service, - Pamela/CA on 9/16/24 3:14pm
 Someone else posted nearly same story very recently n/m -  JanetK_CA on 9/16/24 3:32pm
 Oh, that was you... Sorry. Scary situation, though! n/m -  JanetK_CA on 9/16/24 3:33pm
 This still hasn't been resolved?? Wow...just WOW!! n/m - Lee/AR on 9/16/24 4:13pm
 Re: This still hasn - Pamela/CA on 9/17/24 10:22am
 Pamela: Did you get PM from Nikki@Notary Pay - Yoli/CA on 9/24/24 8:54pm
 Re: Pamela: Did you get PM from Nikki@Notary Pay - Yoli/CA on 9/25/24 11:07am
 I got the same PM, which raises some questions -  JanetK_CA on 9/25/24 6:27pm

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