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Notarize this! (Wildomar, CA) the last update, I Hope!
Posted by Barb25 of NY on 2/4/06 10:32am Msg #94216
If you have read my previous posts concerning this awful and dishonest company (Notarize This 1/23/06 and 2/3/06), this is my latest and obviously last reply I will ever receive from them. (Obviously they do not like me anymore, I guess).

I wrote to tell them I was going to report them to the IRS for sending a 1099 for a check they sent me in January this year. This was adding the insult to the injury for charging me $25.00 for issuing the check. The answer:

Go for it. If you have nothing better to do. The 1099 was printed before you called me to argue about weather it was sent out or not. Your original check WAS sent out last year, that is why we prepared the 1099 for last year. Just because we had to recut your check since you lost it doesn't mean you weren't originally paid last year. Please stop contacting our office.
We would like sever any ties with you in the future.

Britney C. Chaisson
CFO/Processor/Notary/Real Estate Agent/Loan Officer
Direct 951-609-1137
Toll Free 877-466-8279
Fax 253-461-3855
23365 Old Hill Rd
Wildomar, CA 92595

They want to sever ties with me. Wow. I so much wanted to continue to be duped by them. Too bad. They don't have a clue!

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Messages in this Thread
 Notarize this! (Wildomar, CA) the last update, I Hope! - Barb25 on 2/4/06 10:32am
 Re: To Barb25 -  LkArrowhd/CA on 2/4/06 10:49am
 Re: To Barb25 - Raimond_CA on 2/4/06 11:11am
 Re: To Raimond_CA - Art_MD on 2/4/06 11:47am
 Re: To Raimond_CA - Raimond_CA on 2/4/06 11:54am
 Re: To Raimond_CA - Tax Questions??? Search, search... - BrendaTx on 2/5/06 3:44pm
 Re: To Raimond_CA - Oops...please excuse the ring... - BrendaTx on 2/5/06 3:47pm
 Re: To Barb25 - Barb25 on 2/4/06 11:56am
 Re: To Barb25 - Barb25 on 2/4/06 11:55am
 Re: To Barb25 - LauriecPA on 2/4/06 12:05pm
 Re: To Barb25 - CaliNotary on 2/4/06 3:59pm
 Re: To Barb25 - Glenn Strickler on 2/4/06 12:39pm
 The infamous Notarize This! (Wildomar) sends one more email! - Barb25 on 2/4/06 1:39pm
 I got one too! - CaliNotary on 2/4/06 4:33pm
 Dear CaliNotary - Barb25 on 2/4/06 4:52pm
 Re: Dear CaliNotary - CaliNotary on 2/4/06 8:44pm
 2 sides to every story... - Ricardo Riojas on 2/4/06 5:46pm
 I though I was through with this but I guess Not! - Barb25 on 2/4/06 6:11pm
 Re: 2 sides to every story... - Mr_Fantastic on 2/5/06 1:12am
 Re: Notarize this! (Wildomar, CA) the last update, I Hope! -  LkArrowhd/CA on 2/4/06 12:37pm

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