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Re: Ok I figured out why we are puzzled!
Posted by linda/ca of CA on 11/22/11 1:00am Msg #404679
They said "millionaires," not billionaires! It doesn't take that much to be a millionaire these days; some of us on this forum are millionaires on paper! lol
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Messages in this Thread
 10 Towns Where the Most Millionaires live -  LynnNC on 11/19/11 10:19am
 That is only to be expected -  HisHughness on 11/19/11 10:58am
 You are too funny! n/m -  snowflake/PA on 11/19/11 11:59am
 Can't speak for the other cities...but -  Linda_H/FL on 11/19/11 11:31am
 Two number 2s, no number 1. Is this a test? n/m -  Jack/AL on 11/19/11 4:41pm
 Oops! n/m -  LynnNC on 11/19/11 5:01pm
 San Jose & Oxnard, no way! Bogus survey, and Hughs post is - kathy/ca on 11/19/11 7:17pm
 Re: San Jose & Oxnard, no way! Bogus survey, and Hughs post is -  JanetK_CA on 11/20/11 12:21am
 Oxnard? NO WAY! - CJ on 11/20/11 1:15am
 Re: Oxnard? NO WAY! -  JanetK_CA on 11/20/11 1:38am
 From with the Most Millionaires in America - MistarellaFL on 11/20/11 5:17pm
 I am wondering where NYC and Beverly Hills, CA - MistarellaFL on 11/20/11 5:29pm
 Re: I am wondering where NYC and Beverly Hills, CA - linda/ca on 11/21/11 12:22am
 Reminds me of "Best Place for Women to get Married" -  BrendaTx on 11/21/11 5:27am
 Re: 10 Towns Where the Most Millionaires live -  ME/NJ on 11/21/11 9:33am
 Re: Ok I figured out why we are puzzled! - linda/ca on 11/22/11 1:00am

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