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Re: Notarizing a will .. NOPE Notarizing the signature only
Posted by Clem/CA of CA on 1/28/23 9:32am Msg #644178
You can notarize a signature on a matchbook cover if that's what the customer wants. Contents of the document are not your concern, just like the statement says in the box at the top of your certificate. That being said, generaly wills in Ca. only have witnesses and do not have a notarized signature, but thats up to the signer and their lawyer(s) to decide.
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 Notarizing a will and testament in California - Cindy Gamez on 1/26/23 4:14pm
 Re: Notarizing a will and testament in California -  Yoli/CA on 1/26/23 5:17pm
 Re: Notarizing a will and testament in California - pdl/cali on 1/26/23 8:25pm
 Re: Notarizing a will and testament in California -  JanetK_CA on 1/26/23 10:00pm
 Re: Notarizing a will and testament in California - VT_Syrup on 1/27/23 11:15am
 Re: Notarizing a will and testament in California -  JanetK_CA on 1/27/23 3:35pm
 Re: Notarizing a will and testament in California - VT_Syrup on 1/27/23 3:50pm
 Re: Notarizing a will .. NOPE Notarizing the signature only - Clem/CA on 1/28/23 9:32am
 Re: Notarizing a will .. NOPE Notarizing the signature only -  Expeditor on 1/29/23 6:33pm
 Re: Notarizing a will and testament in California -  rengel/CA on 1/30/23 11:42am
 Re: Notarizing a will and testament in California -  JanetK_CA on 1/30/23 3:50pm
 Re: Notarizing a will and testament in California -  Expeditor on 1/31/23 12:31am
 Read it again, Expeditor -  rengel/CA on 1/31/23 12:22pm
 Re: Read it again, Expeditor - pdl/cali on 1/31/23 2:02pm
 Re: Read it again, Expeditor -  Expeditor on 1/31/23 2:46pm
 Re: Read it again, Expeditor -  JanetK_CA on 1/31/23 7:01pm
 Re: Read it again, Expeditor -  Expeditor on 1/31/23 10:03pm
 Re: Read it again, Expeditor -  JanetK_CA on 2/1/23 5:25pm
 AAN is legit - if I'm not mistaken, this is the - Linda_H/FL on 2/2/23 11:42am
 Re: AAN is legit - if I -  JanetK_CA on 2/2/23 3:33pm
 Self-proving Affidavit vs Unsworn Declaration - ABC Legal Docs, LLC - Jerry Lucas on 2/2/23 4:08pm
 Witnessing a California Will - ABC Legal Docs, LLC - Jerry Lucas on 2/1/23 4:17pm
 Re: Witnessing a California Will - Thank you! Good info. -  JanetK_CA on 2/1/23 5:36pm

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