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The flip side to higher interest rates
Posted by Mills Mobile Notary Service of OR on 2/6/24 2:49pm Msg #647717
The new higher rates seems to a triggered a wave of loan assumptions. While common in the past, I have not had one until a few weeks ago. Now I have had 3 in the past 2 weeks.

Also seeing refinances of reverse mortgages that generate more income from the higher rates. Reverse mortgages really help the older population keep their home and improve their standard of living.

Lemons for some, become lemonade for others.

I know orders are way down from the COVID era, but this week I have been busier than any week since Thanksgiving so things seem to look up around here in Oregon.
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Messages in this Thread
 The flip side to higher interest rates - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 2/6/24 2:49pm
 Re: The flip side to higher interest rates - SteveS/CA on 2/6/24 6:39pm
 Re: The flip side to higher interest rates -  JanetK_CA on 2/7/24 1:47am
 Re: The flip side to higher interest rates - ananotary on 2/7/24 9:36am
 Re: The flip side to higher interest rates -  JanetK_CA on 2/7/24 3:54pm
 Loan Assumptions and refi of Reverse Mortgages -  Yoli/CA on 2/7/24 12:03pm

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