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Re: The flip side to higher interest rates
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 2/7/24 1:47am Msg #647720
Interesting - and good to hear. I hadn't thought about assumptions, as very few of the loans I've ever seen are assumable. Are they FHA?

Very true that there are two sides to every situation. Higher rates also mean savers can finally earn more than peanuts on their savings accounts, CDs, etc. Back in the 80s, when interest rates were in double digits, I remember earning some pretty nice interest on my checking account. I'm now looking into using a money market account for checking. (I need to see what kind of limits, if any, there are on how many payments can be made per month.) It adds up...
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Messages in this Thread
 The flip side to higher interest rates - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 2/6/24 2:49pm
 Re: The flip side to higher interest rates - SteveS/CA on 2/6/24 6:39pm
 Re: The flip side to higher interest rates -  JanetK_CA on 2/7/24 1:47am
 Re: The flip side to higher interest rates - ananotary on 2/7/24 9:36am
 Re: The flip side to higher interest rates -  JanetK_CA on 2/7/24 3:54pm
 Loan Assumptions and refi of Reverse Mortgages -  Yoli/CA on 2/7/24 12:03pm

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