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Re: Ms. Robbo's Comments
Posted by John Dough of AK on 10/12/05 3:42pm Msg #70071
Hey Anonymous..Take It Easy!!!!!! Also Please do not use foul language on this Websight!!!!!!!! I understand that Everyone has a right to their opinion...But I think that you are really out of line and I do not appreciate the comments that you had posted!!!! Nations Direct really and honestly does not do us notaries justice and I wish that more people understood that!! And after reading Ms. Robbo's comments I do not think that you attacking her verbally is right...I think you should apologize!!!!
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Messages in this Thread
 Nations Direct - MsRobbo on 4/28/05 4:17pm
 Re: Nations Direct - adrock_fl on 4/28/05 8:17pm
 Nations Direct - Don No CA on 4/28/05 9:56pm
 Re: Nations Direct - John-CA on 4/28/05 10:05pm
 Re: Nations Direct - Don No CA on 4/28/05 10:13pm
 Re: Nations Direct -  John_NY on 4/28/05 11:02pm
 Re: Nations Direct - HL in PA on 4/29/05 7:31am
 Re: Nations Direct - Anonymous on 10/9/05 1:36pm
 Re: Ms. Robbo's Comments - John Dough on 10/12/05 3:42pm
 Re: Ms. Robbo's Comments - Anonymous on 10/12/05 10:41pm

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