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Re: Name mispelled on QCD
Posted by  ReneeK_MI of MI on 3/29/06 5:34am Msg #109250
It sounds like this QCD might have been prepared to correct her previously recorded & misspelled name? Reason I think this is because the name was on there correctly AND incorrectly, and in several places. Even if that was the case, then still the signature line was incorrect, and that posed a problem for you, the notary.

DURING working hours - I definitely agree, call title and ask, let them dictate how to fix and take notes on who said to do what.

AFTER hours - I will do what I know for absolute certain is correct, recordable, etc. Every problem has a solution - though we can't always offer the solution. When you said "crossed out", you mean you stuck through with one, single line using black ink, and printed correction with black ink, and had her initial with black? But - if the QC was to correct her vesting to begin with, it may be that you negated the intent of the verbiage? Just trouble-shooting here.

Without having the exact verbiage on the front of the deed, it's impossible to know what really was being done, and w/o that info, it's impossible to offer possible fixes.
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Messages in this Thread
 Name mispelled on QCD - BetsyMI on 3/28/06 3:39pm
 Re: Name mispelled on QCD - Colonel_IA on 3/28/06 3:49pm
 Was correct but alot of recorders will not accept it. -  Janlee_MI on 3/28/06 4:01pm
 Re: Was correct but alot of recorders will not accept it. - Blueink_CA on 3/28/06 4:16pm
 Janlee....what? - Anonymous from on 3/29/06 10:20am
 I have 'em sign as it... -  TitleGalCA on 3/28/06 5:02pm
 Re: Name mispelled on QCD -  MelissaM_FL on 3/28/06 5:54pm
 Re: Name mispelled on QCD - pan/nd on 3/28/06 9:45pm
 Re: Name mispelled on QCD -  ReneeK_MI on 3/29/06 5:34am
 Re: Name mispelled on QCD - BetsyMI on 3/29/06 9:22am

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