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Re: feedback on my website
Posted by  Joan Bergstrom of CA on 5/12/06 4:48pm Msg #119522
I like your website and agree with LauraV comments. What I think you should do is beef-up your profile as it is pretty weak. 1. you accept Edocs 2. what kind of equiptment do you have 3. Your attention to detail; you will all documents signed correctly/etc!
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Messages in this Thread
 feedback on my website - Joshua Basil on 5/12/06 3:28pm
 Re: feedback on my website - LauraV on 5/12/06 3:57pm
 Re: feedback on my website - whitesatin on 5/12/06 4:00pm
 Re: feedback on my website -  Joan Bergstrom on 5/12/06 4:48pm
 Re: feedback on my website -  MichiganAl on 5/12/06 5:38pm
 Re: feedback on my website -  Jennifer_AZ on 5/12/06 6:47pm
 Re: feedback on my website- Josh my son's name also -  LkArrowhd/CA on 5/12/06 7:23pm
 No, you're not having a stroke -  MichiganAl on 5/12/06 9:03pm
 Re: No, you're not having a stroke -  BarbaraL_CA on 5/12/06 10:22pm
 Re: No, you're not having a stroke - maybe I am ... -  BrendaTx on 5/12/06 10:45pm
 "I thought it looked perfectly clear" -  MichiganAl on 5/12/06 11:01pm
 Re: "I thought it looked perfectly clear" -  LkArrowhd/CA on 5/12/06 11:30pm
 Re: No, you're not having a stroke - Happy Hour setting in.. -  MelissaCT on 5/12/06 11:36pm
 Re: feedback on my website - Dee_Fla on 5/13/06 10:53am
 Re:i like - asigner on 5/14/06 1:14pm

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