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Re: I
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 2/20/21 6:04pm Msg #629677
I still think the best deal going for renewal classes for CA notaries is to buy the Premier Membership on this site and not only get the class (online) for free, but get a nice discount on all your supplies. My bias is that when we have to go through and read all the stuff in the online course, we absorb and learn the material better than if we do a live course.

Case in point: A thorough study of the Handbook would tell you that, regardless of when you pass the exam, you will never get your supplies sooner than 30 days from the time your commission expires. Just sayin'... Wink
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 I've just got my notary bond filed - Jose Gutierrez on 2/20/21 12:16pm
 Re: I - aanotary on 2/20/21 5:55pm
 Re: I - aanotary on 2/20/21 5:57pm
 Re: I -  JanetK_CA on 2/20/21 6:04pm
 Re: I - Jose Gutierrez on 2/21/21 3:47pm
 Re: I - pdl/cali on 2/21/21 6:53pm
 Re: Time - Gsilvanotary on 6/14/21 5:04am

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