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Scan backs and the weather
Posted by NVLSlady/VA of VA on 2/22/21 3:10pm Msg #629773
(See Msg #629758)

Beware. They are worried about deliveries. Lender out of State called me today (worked with him once) and never disclosed Estate or need for scan backs. I was told FEDEX package was sent out to signer but he never received; so they are panicked, Re-drawing. Signing not until Thurs but they wanted to take no chances with overnight!

Actually got all of the details from signer, who is simultaneously signing seller docs (just a few). We're meeting at his F.I. (and mine). Guess where the email scan is taking place?

And yes, my fee went up. Still waiting for my written confirmation approval for addtl work. Crickets.
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Messages in this Thread
 Scan backs and the weather - NVLSlady/VA on 2/22/21 3:10pm
 Scan backs and the weather - NewPhoenix on 2/22/21 3:41pm
 Re: Scan backs and the weather -  Cheryl Elliott on 2/22/21 10:22pm
 Re: Scan backs and the weather - NVLSlady/VA on 2/26/21 11:15am

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