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Re: Looking for a mentor in Washington state
Posted by Luckydog of FL on 8/29/21 5:46pm Msg #634736
As everyone stated before me, and it's illegal for any notary to mentor you using real loan documents. That should be the lesson XYZ teaches, but it's not. We are not allowed to personally disclose personal and financial information without the consent of the hiring party and the signers, and nobody will ever do that. They hire you expecting you to know your job and be trained. AND besides that, it's not to the benefit of any NSA in your area to train the competition, so my suggestion is to look for a teaching zoom class and pay them and watch their video series until you feel confident to go to work. We all jump in the deep end of the pool at some point. Thre winners swim, the losers hang up the towel after a major choking. Good luck!
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Messages in this Thread
 Looking for a mentor in Washington state - Veronica Ankney on 8/28/21 7:10pm
 Re: Looking for a mentor in Washington state -  JanetK_CA on 8/28/21 7:24pm
 Re: Looking for a mentor in Washington state -  Cheryl Elliott on 8/28/21 9:19pm
 Re: Looking for a mentor in Washington state - Veronica Ankney on 8/28/21 11:35pm
 Re: Looking for a mentor in Washington state -  JanetK_CA on 8/29/21 1:37am
 Re: Looking for a mentor in Washington state -  Cheryl Elliott on 8/29/21 7:19am
 Sorry, but if you have to turn to YouTube your money was -  MW/VA on 8/29/21 5:25pm
 Your best mentors and best sources of information - Linda_H/FL on 8/29/21 7:40am
 Sorry - fourth one - and probably the most important - Linda_H/FL on 8/29/21 7:41am
 Re: Looking for a mentor in Washington state - Luckydog on 8/29/21 5:46pm

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