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More layoffs in mortgage lending, real estate firms and TC
Posted by grapebed of MO on 6/20/22 1:04pm Msg #640874
Mortgage lending layoffs. tens of thousands of have lost jobs

Real Estate Brokerage Layoffs

One of the largest title companies in Missouri just blew out 250 workers. It really hurts. I wish them all the very best of luck. At least they will get severance, job coaching, sick/vacation pay and they have substantial savings in 401(k)'s.

The mortgage loan officers have banked big buck the past three years, but they may have to turn back the leases on their Porsches.
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Messages in this Thread
 More layoffs in mortgage lending, real estate firms and TC - grapebed on 6/20/22 1:04pm
 So sad! I don't see how anyone thinks this will help curb -  MW/VA on 6/20/22 2:32pm
 Inflation and Inerest rates - Clem/CA on 6/21/22 8:47am
 Re: More layoffs in mortgage lending, real estate firms and TC -  JanetK_CA on 6/20/22 3:52pm
 Re: More layoffs in mortgage lending, real estate firms and TC -  Expeditor on 6/20/22 4:57pm
 Re: More layoffs in mortgage lending, real estate firms and TC - PaigeTurner on 6/21/22 7:51am
 The interest rate on HELOC ‘s will be rising as the FED - grapebed on 6/21/22 12:38pm

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