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Re: More layoffs in mortgage lending, real estate firms and TC
Posted by PaigeTurner of AK on 6/21/22 7:51am Msg #640904
I hope that is the case. I haven't seen any HELOCS in my area yet but will be a good thing if they start promoting them on TV and such as an option for people. I have seen a rise in Reverse Mtgs. however. I may have to get back into doing them. I swore them off years ago when business was brisk and could pick and choose assignments I wanted to do.
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Messages in this Thread
 More layoffs in mortgage lending, real estate firms and TC - grapebed on 6/20/22 1:04pm
 So sad! I don't see how anyone thinks this will help curb -  MW/VA on 6/20/22 2:32pm
 Inflation and Inerest rates - Clem/CA on 6/21/22 8:47am
 Re: More layoffs in mortgage lending, real estate firms and TC -  JanetK_CA on 6/20/22 3:52pm
 Re: More layoffs in mortgage lending, real estate firms and TC -  Expeditor on 6/20/22 4:57pm
 Re: More layoffs in mortgage lending, real estate firms and TC - PaigeTurner on 6/21/22 7:51am
 The interest rate on HELOC ‘s will be rising as the FED - grapebed on 6/21/22 12:38pm

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