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Re: I would rather stick my head in a blender than attend the
Posted by  Mike Goodey of CA on 9/13/22 7:56pm Msg #642287
I would love to just stop by and see all 6 people there including the speakers!
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Messages in this Thread
 I would rather stick my head in a blender than attend the - grapebed on 9/13/22 1:51pm
 Re: I would rather stick my head in a blender than attend the - pdl/cali on 9/13/22 2:11pm
 Re: I would rather stick my head in a blender than attend the -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/13/22 3:12pm
 would the blender be running? n/m - Clem/CA on 9/13/22 2:29pm
 The ble n/m - grapebed on 9/13/22 3:06pm
 Re: would the blender be running? -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/13/22 3:13pm
 The blender could be running at full blast. I would not - grapebed on 9/13/22 3:14pm
 Re: The blender could be running at full blast. I would not -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/13/22 3:23pm
 Re: The blender could be running at full blast. I would not - Cathy Landre on 9/14/22 11:07am
 Should be shut down anyway - NewPhoenix on 9/13/22 3:58pm
 Re: Should be shut down anyway -  Amigoaz on 9/13/22 4:56pm
 Re: Should be shut down anyway -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/13/22 5:47pm
 Re: I would rather stick my head in a blender than attend the -  Mike Goodey on 9/13/22 7:56pm
 I don't think these programs are aimed at folks like us. -  JanetK_CA on 9/14/22 3:38am
 Reading elsewhere - you'd be amazed at the number - Linda_H/FL on 9/14/22 5:55am
 Oh my... I'm def SMH about that, too! ;>) -  JanetK_CA on 9/14/22 2:20pm
 Shameful! They will continue to promote their agenda & make -  MW/VA on 9/14/22 8:06am
 Re: I would rather stick my head in a blender than attend the -  Expeditor on 9/14/22 2:01pm
 Re: I would rather stick my head in a blender than attend the -  Expeditor on 9/14/22 2:01pm
 Re: I would rather stick my head in a blender than attend the - PaigeTurner on 9/14/22 4:30pm
 Re: I would rather stick my head in a blender than attend the - aanotary on 9/16/22 1:27pm
 Re: I would rather stick my head in a blender than attend the - SteveS/CA on 9/19/22 2:19pm
 Some business expenses can be included when filing taxes -  CPNS2006 on 9/21/22 6:11pm

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