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I don't think these programs are aimed at folks like us.
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 9/14/22 3:38am Msg #642292
We tend to forget that a major percentage of the nation's notaries are employees of various types of businesses that have some kind of regular need for docs to be notarized. I started out that way myself. When you have a full time job and your company is picking up the expenses, these little 'conferences' are a great way to get away from the office for a few days on your expense account. At many companies, it isn't too difficult to convince the boss that it's important for you to attend to 'stay current'... Once you get there, attending everything is optional. Wink

If XYZ wasn't making money at these events, they'd stop holding them. I agree, though, that for self-employed folks like us, it's a pretty big waste of time and money.
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Messages in this Thread
 I would rather stick my head in a blender than attend the - grapebed on 9/13/22 1:51pm
 Re: I would rather stick my head in a blender than attend the - pdl/cali on 9/13/22 2:11pm
 Re: I would rather stick my head in a blender than attend the -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/13/22 3:12pm
 would the blender be running? n/m - Clem/CA on 9/13/22 2:29pm
 The ble n/m - grapebed on 9/13/22 3:06pm
 Re: would the blender be running? -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/13/22 3:13pm
 The blender could be running at full blast. I would not - grapebed on 9/13/22 3:14pm
 Re: The blender could be running at full blast. I would not -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/13/22 3:23pm
 Re: The blender could be running at full blast. I would not - Cathy Landre on 9/14/22 11:07am
 Should be shut down anyway - NewPhoenix on 9/13/22 3:58pm
 Re: Should be shut down anyway -  Amigoaz on 9/13/22 4:56pm
 Re: Should be shut down anyway -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/13/22 5:47pm
 Re: I would rather stick my head in a blender than attend the -  Mike Goodey on 9/13/22 7:56pm
 I don't think these programs are aimed at folks like us. -  JanetK_CA on 9/14/22 3:38am
 Reading elsewhere - you'd be amazed at the number - Linda_H/FL on 9/14/22 5:55am
 Oh my... I'm def SMH about that, too! ;>) -  JanetK_CA on 9/14/22 2:20pm
 Shameful! They will continue to promote their agenda & make -  MW/VA on 9/14/22 8:06am
 Re: I would rather stick my head in a blender than attend the -  Expeditor on 9/14/22 2:01pm
 Re: I would rather stick my head in a blender than attend the -  Expeditor on 9/14/22 2:01pm
 Re: I would rather stick my head in a blender than attend the - PaigeTurner on 9/14/22 4:30pm
 Re: I would rather stick my head in a blender than attend the - aanotary on 9/16/22 1:27pm
 Re: I would rather stick my head in a blender than attend the - SteveS/CA on 9/19/22 2:19pm
 Some business expenses can be included when filing taxes -  CPNS2006 on 9/21/22 6:11pm

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