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Yep. Too far, late at night, little fee, so turned it down.
Posted by Lee/AR of AR on 9/18/22 3:40pm Msg #642354
And, if I remember correctly, had to buy a drink/get receipt to prove I was there and they didn't reimburse that.
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Messages in this Thread
 Has anyone been asked to attend a professional fight -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/18/22 12:18pm
 Yep. Too far, late at night, little fee, so turned it down. - Lee/AR on 9/18/22 3:40pm
 Re: Yep. Too far, late at night, little fee, so turned it down. -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/18/22 4:54pm
 you think notaries shouldn’t do? - sigtogo/OR on 9/18/22 5:49pm
 2+ yrs. ago. Don't remember all that. Maybe didn't get that - Lee/AR on 9/18/22 6:04pm
 Crazy Town, USA n/m - Belinda/OR on 9/22/22 3:08am
 Re: Has anyone been asked to attend a professional fight - PaigeTurner on 9/18/22 6:04pm

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