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Re: New Notary Help! Sorry to say this but
Posted by PaigeTurner of AK on 4/21/23 11:39am Msg #645295
Good luck! This as a side gig that won't cut it. Title and SSs want you all in just starting out. If they text, call or email, you better jump right away and take it. If you pass in the beginning because of working around another career, they will stop contacting you. You do not have any experience either, which doesn't help.
The days of weekend and evening closings are pretty null and void.
Don't quit your day job, it sounds like a winner. My son is in radiopharmaceuticals and doing great at it... a good salary, OT, full benefits, 100 401K can't go wrong.
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 New Notary Help! - Danyele Thomas on 4/19/23 10:46pm
 Re: New Notary Help! -  JanetK_CA on 4/20/23 12:02am
 Re: New Notary Help! - Danyele Thomas on 4/20/23 12:07am
 Re: New Notary Help! -  Cheryl Elliott on 4/20/23 9:48am
 Re: New Notary Help! Sorry to say this but - Linda_H/FL on 4/20/23 10:04am
 Re: New Notary Help! Sorry to say this but -  Cheryl Elliott on 4/20/23 11:08am
 Re: New Notary Help! Sorry to say this but - Danyele Thomas on 4/20/23 3:41pm
 Re: New Notary Help! Sorry to say this but - Danyele Thomas on 4/20/23 4:03pm
 Re: New Notary Help! Sorry to say this but -  Cheryl Elliott on 4/20/23 4:05pm
 Re: New Notary Help! Sorry to say this but - Danyele Thomas on 4/20/23 4:30pm
 Re: New Notary Help! Sorry to say this but - PaigeTurner on 4/21/23 11:39am
 Re: New Notary Help! -  Expeditor on 4/21/23 7:39pm
 Try This... -  Roger_OH on 4/21/23 9:53pm
 Re: New Notary Help! -  walthtz on 4/25/23 10:06am

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