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Things we don't think about with E & O
Posted by Lee/AR of AR on 10/31/23 8:40am Msg #647092
Feb., this year, I notarized a self-proving Aff. for a man's Will & a POA (GNW). In July, got called in to testify in court--and followed the oft-repeated advice to contact E & O carrier. At court, was kept in hall until called to testify. Had no idea what the problem was, but figured out by the questions that apparently the Will-maker died and his Will was being contested and all the court wanted to know was whether or not I 'knew' the Will maker or witnesses. Nope, ID'd 'em all via D.L. And was the Will-maker alert & aware of what he was signing. He sure was! That was it.

Just got a letter from E& O carrier, that my E&O insurance is considered a 'burning limits' policy and my coverage has now been reduced by the carrier-hired attorney fee of $712.50. What did I get for $712.50 fee? A phone call from law firm telling me to 'go to court voluntarily or I would be subpoenaed to do so'.
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Messages in this Thread
 Things we don't think about with E & O - Lee/AR on 10/31/23 8:40am
 Wow...where did you get your E&O? n/m - Linda_H/FL on 10/31/23 9:49am
 Re: Wow...where did you get your E&O? - Lee/AR on 10/31/23 11:27am
 Wow! Made me look ... -  Yoli/CA on 10/31/23 10:02am
 Re: Wow! Made me look ... -  Yoli/CA on 10/31/23 10:54am
 Re: Travelers & CNA Surety - Traci on 11/1/23 5:06pm
 The link you provided is a real eye-opener, Yoli. All read! - Lee/AR on 10/31/23 11:48am
 Re: The link you provided is a real eye-opener, Yoli. All read! -  JanetK_CA on 10/31/23 4:04pm
 The burning question - jnew on 10/31/23 12:06pm
 Can't see how as E&O carrier would not have known. - Lee/AR on 10/31/23 2:38pm
 Thank you for posting this. Newbies beware. -  Cheryl Elliott on 10/31/23 1:21pm
 Wow. So much for contacting them--what a scam! n/m -  MW/VA on 11/3/23 8:37am

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