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Can't see how as E&O carrier would not have known.
Posted by Lee/AR of AR on 10/31/23 2:38pm Msg #647100
I was never told why I was to appear, despite asking the lawyer who originally asked and the E&O law firm who told me to go voluntarily. I asked if a copy of my journal would suffice and was simply told ' have to testify'. To what?

After I testified (5 minutes on stand-nobody was interested in my Journal) and was walked out of court by the defendant's lawyer, he told me the Will was being contested and I just 'made his defendant's case'. It was an 'interesting' day that cost me 3 hours time & $25 in gas to get there & back home. But I was compensated for my state-mandated IRS mileage rate--$30. Never heard another word about it until I got the 'burning limits' e-mail.

I'm sure there's a lesson in here somewhere--just not sure what it is. LOL
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Messages in this Thread
 Things we don't think about with E & O - Lee/AR on 10/31/23 8:40am
 Wow...where did you get your E&O? n/m - Linda_H/FL on 10/31/23 9:49am
 Re: Wow...where did you get your E&O? - Lee/AR on 10/31/23 11:27am
 Wow! Made me look ... -  Yoli/CA on 10/31/23 10:02am
 Re: Wow! Made me look ... -  Yoli/CA on 10/31/23 10:54am
 Re: Travelers & CNA Surety - Traci on 11/1/23 5:06pm
 The link you provided is a real eye-opener, Yoli. All read! - Lee/AR on 10/31/23 11:48am
 Re: The link you provided is a real eye-opener, Yoli. All read! -  JanetK_CA on 10/31/23 4:04pm
 The burning question - jnew on 10/31/23 12:06pm
 Can't see how as E&O carrier would not have known. - Lee/AR on 10/31/23 2:38pm
 Thank you for posting this. Newbies beware. -  Cheryl Elliott on 10/31/23 1:21pm
 Wow. So much for contacting them--what a scam! n/m -  MW/VA on 11/3/23 8:37am

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