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Decide what fee works for you and demand it
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 11/18/23 4:41pm Msg #647158
Don't take whatever measly fee the hiring party says they're paying ... regardless of whether it's a SS or a TC.

I frequently work with a SS who starts by offering $75 for a full signing (purchase, seller, HELOC, etc.). They offer $50 for a one (1) document assignment. That $75 just doesn't work for me. I always quote them my fee after asking all the pertinent questions. My base fee is $XXX and I add $25 for each additional service request -- Spanish, scan backs, weekends, etc. -- and more than 15 miles away from me requires more. I'm willing to travel if they're willing to pay my fee. Wink

This same SS used to get $200 per closing. This year, they're getting $250. Apparently, TCs are willing to pay for the service.

Don't short yourself.

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Messages in this Thread
 Decide what fee works for you and demand it -  Yoli/CA on 11/18/23 4:41pm
 Re: Decide what fee works for you and demand it -  JanetK_CA on 11/19/23 2:22am
 Re: Decide what fee works for you and demand it - SteveS/CA on 11/19/23 10:28am
 Re: Decide what fee works for you and demand it -  Mike Goodey on 11/19/23 10:48am
 Re: Decide what fee works for you and demand it -  Cheryl Elliott on 11/19/23 11:07am
 Re: Decide what fee works for you and demand it - pdl/cali on 11/20/23 2:23pm
 ABSOLUTELY! n/m - CPNS2006 on 12/1/23 11:19am

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