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Keeping this post and past experience in mind ...
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 12/13/23 10:39amMsg #647375
I had an email this morning for a seller package for town almost 1-hour's drive from me. Package is 33 pages, scans required within 2 hours ... and they're paying a whopping $75. I emailed my counter offer and reason. They respond saying, "Sorry, the fee for this file is $75" That was the end of that. They weren't willing to budge or negotiate.

As others posted, even a small package can get bogged down and take more time than originally anticipated. My time is valuable. When I get an assignment requiring scan backs, I take my scanner with me. That equipment is an asset and expense that costs money. My vehicle runs on gasoline and requires periodic maintenance and other expenditures. All that costs me money. I'm in business to recoup those expenses and make a little profit.

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Messages in this Thread
 Seller's package certainly not worth it -  Mike Goodey on 12/9/23 1:44pm
 Re: Seller n/m - Lee/AR on 12/9/23 2:40pm
 box of chocolates. Never know what you'll get n/m - Lee/AR on 12/9/23 2:42pm
 Re: Seller - SteveS/CA on 12/10/23 8:10am
 I give them a time limit. Most of those seller documents - ananotary on 12/10/23 7:48pm
 Re: I give them a time limit. Most of those seller documents - pdl/cali on 12/12/23 10:20pm
 Keeping this post and past experience in mind ... -  Yoli/CA on 12/13/23 10:39am
 Re: Keeping this post and past experience in mind ... - ananotary on 12/13/23 12:26pm
 Re: I give them a time limit. Most of those seller documents - ananotary on 12/13/23 12:25pm
 Re: Seller - RMN on 12/19/23 5:48pm

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