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Connecticut authorizes RON with heavy restrictions
Posted by VT_Syrup of VT on 12/17/23 1:22pm Msg #647402
Connecticut passed Public Act 23-28 available at

A CT notary has some heavy restrictions to deal with, for example, unless the signer is located in CT, the document must have a connection to CT. There is also a provision that "Once the record notarized pursuant to subsection (b) of this section is signed by the individual in accordance with the procedures set forth in this section, the individual shall mail or otherwise cause to be delivered the signed original copy of the record to the notary public for certification and execution with the notary's commission signature and official stamp or seal." That might mean that it's really remote ink notarization (RIN) rather than RON.

A key restriction for a CT notary is not allowed for real estate closings. There is also a provision seems to say that any instrument pertaining to real property located in CT may not be done by remote communication by an out-of-state notary.

I wonder if all these restrictions will lead to most of the RON platforms not accepting CT notaries. I wonder if they will make any effort to screen documents to exclude CT real estate documents.
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Messages in this Thread
 Connecticut authorizes RON with heavy restrictions - VT_Syrup on 12/17/23 1:22pm
 Clickable link...I hope - Linda_H/FL on 12/17/23 1:46pm
 Re: Connecticut authorizes RON with heavy restrictions -  Yoli/CA on 12/17/23 4:28pm
 Re: Connecticut authorizes RON with heavy restrictions - Matt Miller on 12/18/23 11:25am
 Interested to hear from Bobbi-CT on this n/m - Linda_H/FL on 12/18/23 3:34pm
 Re: Interested to hear from Bobbi-CT on this - BobbiCT on 12/18/23 6:28pm
 Thanks Bobbi...good to hear from you!! n/m - Linda_H/FL on 12/18/23 7:15pm

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