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Re: Good Portable Printer/Scanner for Mobile
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 2/1/24 9:19am Msg #647697
Sorry you’re having these issues, Edgar. Our equipment is so essential to our business.

I can’t recommend a combo portable printer/scanner. I can, however, highly recommend a standalone mobile scanner. I love my ScanSnap ix1500! Like you, a couple of times I had connectivity issues (always after an update). ScanSnap has WONDERFUL support. They patiently and professionally walk me through the fix.

It is my understanding HP’s customer service is practically nonexistent. I have no personal experience of this. After visiting their website several times on other people’s issues, it appears HP puts the info online and expects the customer to find and implement their own solutions. You’ve probably already researched your issue and tried this. If not, this is what I found for you:

Good luck and let us know how you finally resolve this. Smile

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Messages in this Thread
 Good Portable Printer/Scanner for Mobile - Edgar Wise on 1/31/24 4:46pm
 Re: Good Portable Printer/Scanner for Mobile -  Yoli/CA on 2/1/24 9:19am
 Agree w/Yoli 100%, both on ScanSnap & on HP support -  JanetK_CA on 2/2/24 5:46pm
 Re: Agree w/Yoli 100%, both on ScanSnap & on HP support -  Yoli/CA on 2/2/24 8:48pm
 Re: Agree w/Yoli 100%, both on ScanSnap & on HP support -  JanetK_CA on 2/4/24 3:29pm

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