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Re: Question for article on candidate for judge in Chicago
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 2/16/24 10:19am Msg #647762
Expeditor: Perhaps I misread OP, but ...

I read it to be that the candidate/notary was appointed AIF in the document and then notarized the document. He was not the grantor/signer but rather the receivor. I may be wrong, but at least, this was my understanding.

I don't agree with that scenario. However, I believe some attorneys will notarize documents naming them as AIF, trustee, whatever general representative of the grantor/signer. It may be legal. However, IMHO, this is a bad practice as it may open them up to litigation should someone question their status. Again, jmho.
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 Question for article on candidate for judge in Chicago - Carlos Ballesteros on 2/11/24 8:20pm
 Re: Question for article on candidate for judge in Chicago -  JanetK_CA on 2/12/24 4:31am
 My understanding of ANY notary kaw - Linda_H/FL on 2/12/24 1:49pm
 Re: Question for article on candidate for judge in Chicago -  Expeditor on 2/15/24 12:48pm
 Re: Question for article on candidate for judge in Chicago -  Yoli/CA on 2/16/24 10:19am

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