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The worse fraud I've heard of in my career, MURDER FOR HIRE
Posted by  Cheryl Elliott of CA on 3/8/24 9:48am Msg #647951

It was a staggering event. Most of the elderly citizens in the area were knocked back on their heals at the news of their neighbor's untimely death. She was so healthy. Only recently it was discovered that the woman had been swindled out of her lovely home high above the bustle of Santa Barbara, and then was killed because she wasn't "dead soon enough" and the perpetrator of the RE fraud wished to speed things along.
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Messages in this Thread
 The worse fraud I've heard of in my career, MURDER FOR HIRE -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/8/24 9:48am
 Re: The worse fraud I - TR/NC on 3/12/24 9:13am
 Re: The worse fraud I -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/12/24 11:01am
 Re: The worse fraud I - TR/NC on 3/12/24 12:33pm

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