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Re: Notary Stamp - I think it's a goner
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 5/11/24 3:46pm Msg #648414
I'm going through the same process as you right now. I've been using Vision Clarity stamps for many years, but they seem to have disappeared, except for the circular one, which I don't want. I've done multiple online searches, but see no mention, so I'm wondering if they're just out of business.

I've bought my stamps from NR for at least the past 3 or 4 commissions, but with shipping costs what they are, even with the Premier member discount, it looks like I'm better off going with a local vendor, just a few miles from me. Less chance of something getting lost, too. And here in CA, they can't begin stamp production until they have the SOS-issued Certificate of Authorization. If that gets lost, it's a major time-intensive hassle to get another one.

The place I've decided to go said they have an Ideal "clear self inking" stamp that sounds pretty good. I've also always requested the 1-inch version which I find so much easier to fit into those small spaces. (This reminds me that I need to verify that this local supplier can make them that size. If not, it will be a deal-breaker, and I'll be coming back to NR. I should be receiving my materials from the state any day now.)
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Messages in this Thread
 Notary Stamp -  walthtz on 5/10/24 1:27pm
 Re: Notary Stamp -  Doris_CO on 5/10/24 4:59pm
 AAN - Brenda Stone is involved with them - Linda_H/FL on 5/10/24 5:05pm
 Re: Notary Stamp - I think it's a goner -  JanetK_CA on 5/11/24 3:46pm
 Re: Notary Stamp - I think it - pdl/cali on 5/14/24 1:32pm
 Re: Notary Stamp - I think it -  walthtz on 5/15/24 11:30am
 Re: Notary Stamp -  walthtz on 5/19/24 11:37am
 Re: Notary Stamp -  JanetK_CA on 5/27/24 1:49pm
 Re: Notary Stamp _get mine locally - Melanie Kennedy on 5/21/24 1:48pm

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