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Re: Notary Stamp
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 5/27/24 1:49pm Msg #648507
Weird that they wouldn't put your commission # on your stamp. You didn't say what else you put on it, but a commission # is mandatory for California notaries (along with a good number of other bits of info). I imagine there are quite a few California notaries who get their stamps from them.

I'll be ordering my new stamp locally tomorrow, assuming they can make the smaller version. I've been on vacation for a week and, naturally, my commission renewal materials came in the day after I left - so now only 15 days left to take care of all the final steps... Figures! Wink
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Messages in this Thread
 Notary Stamp -  walthtz on 5/10/24 1:27pm
 Re: Notary Stamp -  Doris_CO on 5/10/24 4:59pm
 AAN - Brenda Stone is involved with them - Linda_H/FL on 5/10/24 5:05pm
 Re: Notary Stamp - I think it's a goner -  JanetK_CA on 5/11/24 3:46pm
 Re: Notary Stamp - I think it - pdl/cali on 5/14/24 1:32pm
 Re: Notary Stamp - I think it -  walthtz on 5/15/24 11:30am
 Re: Notary Stamp -  walthtz on 5/19/24 11:37am
 Re: Notary Stamp -  JanetK_CA on 5/27/24 1:49pm
 Re: Notary Stamp _get mine locally - Melanie Kennedy on 5/21/24 1:48pm

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