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Re: Who? The constantly replenished conga line of newbs
Posted by SteveS/CA of CA on 5/15/24 12:21pm Msg #648438
Sure they'll budge......they keep inching lower. Mortgage Connect is a prime example of that.
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Messages in this Thread
 MC just took a huge nosedive with their fees -  Cheryl Elliott on 5/14/24 5:01pm
 Re: MC just took a huge nosedive with their fees -  ML/PA on 5/14/24 5:36pm
 Who? The constantly replenished conga line of newbs - Lee/AR on 5/14/24 8:03pm
 You said it! n/m - Alz on 5/14/24 8:12pm
 'Zactly! n/m -  JanetK_CA on 5/14/24 9:07pm
 Re: Who? The constantly replenished conga line of newbs -  Cheryl Elliott on 5/15/24 11:41am
 Re: Who? The constantly replenished conga line of newbs - SteveS/CA on 5/15/24 12:21pm
 Re: Who? The constantly replenished conga line of newbs - pdl/cali on 5/16/24 1:33pm
 Re: Who? The constantly replenished conga line of newbs - Matt Miller on 5/18/24 1:44pm
 Re: Who? The constantly replenished conga line of newbs - SteveS/CA on 5/18/24 4:17pm
 Re: Who? The constantly replenished conga line of newbs -  JanetK_CA on 5/27/24 2:03pm

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