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Tracking app
Posted by Linda_H/FL of FL on 5/30/24 8:10am Msg #648537
Must be similar to what FedEx and UPS use - when I have a delivery coming I can see the truck's location on my google maps.

I agree..I would not download that app. FedEx and UPS drivers are employEES driving company vehicles...we are not - we are ICs
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 The Best Notary (dot) net 650-420-2080 -  Teresa/FL on 5/29/24 8:36pm
 Re: The Best Notary (dot) net 650-420-2080 -  Cheryl Elliott on 5/29/24 11:27pm
 Track you? NO! cuz they can doesn't make it a good idea. n/m - Lee/AR on 5/30/24 7:31am
 Tracking app - Linda_H/FL on 5/30/24 8:10am
 Does the app track where the notary's check is? LOL n/m - Colonel/IA on 5/30/24 8:52am
 Wouldn't that be great? n/m -  Teresa/FL on 5/30/24 8:58am
 Re: Does the app track where the notary's check is? LOL - SteveS/CA on 5/30/24 2:39pm

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