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Re: Does the app track where the notary's check is? LOL
Posted by SteveS/CA of CA on 5/30/24 2:39pm Msg #648542
LOL....Yes, it tracks that it doesn't exist yet. Signing services pay when they choose to pay. Some of them play games with the notary and will never pay until the notary asks them for it, and then only if a certain number of days have passed since the 60 days
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 The Best Notary (dot) net 650-420-2080 -  Teresa/FL on 5/29/24 8:36pm
 Re: The Best Notary (dot) net 650-420-2080 -  Cheryl Elliott on 5/29/24 11:27pm
 Track you? NO! cuz they can doesn't make it a good idea. n/m - Lee/AR on 5/30/24 7:31am
 Tracking app - Linda_H/FL on 5/30/24 8:10am
 Does the app track where the notary's check is? LOL n/m - Colonel/IA on 5/30/24 8:52am
 Wouldn't that be great? n/m -  Teresa/FL on 5/30/24 8:58am
 Re: Does the app track where the notary's check is? LOL - SteveS/CA on 5/30/24 2:39pm

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