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Welcome, Lynwood!
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 6/11/24 12:57pm Msg #648636
First of all, develop a business plan. If you need help with that, contact SCORE and they can set you up with a mentor to start and grow your business and develop your business plan. That business plan should dictate what fees work for you. You must take every expense into account -- from start up fees to office supplies and equipment to vehicle expenses to insurance and taxes -- everything.

It's not as simple as just getting your commission and saying "I'm a notary now." Smile However, SCORE helps. There's a lot that goes into formulating your fee schedule -- figure scope of assignment, package size, travel distance, special instructions, number of signers, etc.

Good luck! Smile

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Messages in this Thread
 virginia loan closing - Lynwood Cribb on 6/11/24 12:34pm
 Welcome, Lynwood! -  Yoli/CA on 6/11/24 12:57pm
 Re: virginia loan closing -  JanetK_CA on 6/11/24 2:24pm
 I'm in Va Beach. The first thing I suggest is that you edit -  MW/VA on 6/15/24 10:02am

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