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What pens do you buy?
Posted by JustANotary of CA on 9/2/24 1:40pm Msg #649163
I always bought PaperMate pens, they are very inexpensive and they worked well. PaperMate has changed the pen. I bought 72 & most of them would not write. I complained to the company & they sent me a replacement box, and 40% of those wont write, so I am looking for suggestions for an inexpensive pen that works well.
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Messages in this Thread
 What pens do you buy? - JustANotary on 9/2/24 1:40pm
 Re: What pens do you buy? - Lee/AR on 9/2/24 2:14pm
 Oh, and... Re: What pens do you buy? - Lee/AR on 9/2/24 2:20pm
 Re: What pens do you buy? - VT_Syrup on 9/2/24 2:48pm
 Re: What pens do you buy? - Mike Goodey on 9/5/24 11:40am
 Re: What pens do you buy? -  Doris_CO on 9/2/24 9:52pm
 Same as Lee/AR - Bic stick - n/m - Linda_H/FL on 9/3/24 8:53am
 Re: What pens do you buy? - SteveS/CA on 9/3/24 8:55am
 Re: What pens do you buy? -  Yoli/CA on 9/3/24 12:24pm
 G2 Pilot pens n/m - ananotary on 9/4/24 9:33am

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