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Re: Page Sorter...a workaround
Posted by SteveS/CA of CA on 9/7/24 7:19pm Msg #649209
I actually have another program that does all of what the NR sorter does but the way they format the results printout makes it a little harder to put the pages in order. It lists all the pages that are letter and all the pages that are legal, instead of giving a summarized list like NR does.
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Messages in this Thread
 Page Sorter - TPS/TX on 9/7/24 5:11pm
 Re: Page Sorter - Marshall - Sherri on 9/7/24 6:35pm
 Re: Page Sorter - SteveS/CA on 9/7/24 6:35pm
 Page Sorter...a workaround - Lee/AR on 9/7/24 6:51pm
 Re: Page Sorter...a workaround - SteveS/CA on 9/7/24 7:19pm
 I forgot to add 1 thing to 'the workaround' - Lee/AR on 9/7/24 7:54pm
 Re: Page Sorter...a workaround - Julie Walker on 9/7/24 8:17pm
 Correct answer - Clem/CA on 9/8/24 10:11am
 The most logicl workaround LOL n/m - jnew on 9/8/24 11:00am

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