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Re: Real Estate Fraud on the rise here in MA - so scary!
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 11/16/24 2:15pm Msg #649653
That is scary! Unfortunately, real estate fraud is probably on the rise nationwide, especially on prime-location-property that is either unimproved/vacant or has absent owners. (at the risk of jumping into JP ...) I believe things will only get worse with the incoming administration -- fewer deterrents.
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Messages in this Thread
 Real Estate Fraud on the rise here in MA - so scary! - SReis on 11/16/24 1:01pm
 Re: Real Estate Fraud on the rise here in MA - so scary! -  Yoli/CA on 11/16/24 2:15pm
 Here in CA too. -  Cheryl Elliott on 11/17/24 12:41pm
 Re: Real Estate Fraud on the rise here in MA - so scary! -  Cheryl Elliott on 11/18/24 8:25am

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