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Re: Marketing by Referral
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 12/9/24 10:16pm Msg #649808
Excellent point - and I agree with Cheryl. Also, in case it isn't obvious, the power in Bear's stories was a result of a few key things. First, he didn't directly ask people for their business, but instead focused on how he could potentially help *them*. Second, it seems he referred others to those contacts of his who could be relied upon to do good work, and finally, I strongly suspect he left everyone with a positive impression about his own professionalism, likeability, skills, and connections - and that he comes across as trustworthy. (I also strongly suspect those things don't happen by accident... Wink)
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Messages in this Thread
 Marketing by Referral - Bear900/CA on 12/9/24 10:43am
 You are a Marketing Athlete, Bear. -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/9/24 9:41pm
 Re: Marketing by Referral -  JanetK_CA on 12/9/24 10:16pm
 Re: Marketing by Referral -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/10/24 11:56am
 Re: Marketing by Referral - Bear900/CA on 12/11/24 2:54pm
 Re: Marketing by Referral - question, Mr. Bear -  Yoli/CA on 12/15/24 10:54am
 Re: Marketing by Referral - question, Mr. Bear - Bear900/CA on 12/16/24 1:16am

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