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Priority Notary (California... possibly Receda)
Posted by Kellosh/CA of CA on 1/13/25 1:53pm Msg #649971
I see some comments on this contractor from 2007-2009 but nothing recent and no profile in the SS files. Anyone have recent experience? I did a last-minute signing for them in early October (in the Kansas City area) and still haven't received payment. They've not responded to any emails I've sent and they don't answer the phone, mail box full. Wondering if I should just write this one off as a loss at this point.
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Messages in this Thread
 Priority Notary (California... possibly Receda) - Kellosh/CA on 1/13/25 1:53pm
 Re: Priority Notary (California... possibly Receda) -  Yoli/CA on 1/13/25 2:46pm
 Re: Priority Notary (California... possibly Receda) -  JanetK_CA on 1/13/25 8:42pm
 Same experience as above with Eric. However, lack of - ananotary on 1/14/25 4:49pm
 Ditto to all of the above... - FeliseSoCal on 1/16/25 2:41pm

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