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Re: Strange Mortgage Connect Omission and Correction document
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 1/30/25 11:56pm Msg #650041
"It seems the companies that pay the least, expect the most from us..."

Exactly, which is why I don't bother making counter offers to those companies. As you describe, it's not only the low pay, but all the hoops they expect us to jump through for that low pay. As I see it, my time is better spent working on other things.
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Messages in this Thread
 Strange Mortgage Connect Omission and Correction document - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 1/30/25 12:20pm
 Re: Strange Mortgage Connect Omission and Correction document - SteveS/CA on 1/30/25 3:09pm
 Re: Strange Mortgage Connect Omission and Correction document - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 1/30/25 5:18pm
 Re: Strange Mortgage Connect Omission and Correction document -  JanetK_CA on 1/30/25 11:56pm
 Re: Strange Mortgage Connect Omission and Correction document - Clem/CA on 1/31/25 7:38pm

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