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Re: NNA Court Bonds
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 2/1/25 2:40am Msg #650050
I got that, too, and I agree with both you and Cheryl. I had pretty much the same reaction. Wink

To be fair, I don't fault anyone for trying to grow their business, but only if they pursue that goal with integrity and at least basic business ethics, especially for an organization that claims to be the epitome of leadership in the community of notaries public. I also realize some notaries may operate in a niche where there might be opportunities along these lines (perhaps in a small legal office that handles criminal defendants?), but good grief, I seriously doubt that applies anywhere in the loan signing world, and not likely in the corporate business world, either. It wouldn't hurt them to clarify the message a bit if they're sending it out to everyone in their data base...
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Messages in this Thread
 NNA Court Bonds - JustANotary on 1/31/25 11:22am
 Re: NNA Court Bonds -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/31/25 4:56pm
 Re: NNA Court Bonds -  JanetK_CA on 2/1/25 2:40am
 Re: NNA Court Bonds -  Cheryl Elliott on 2/1/25 9:34am
 Offered commission? Just saying.... n/m - Lee/AR on 2/1/25 4:29pm

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