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Who is an Indep Contractor? Dress code emailed over from TC
Posted by  Keystone/PA of PA on 4/3/07 12:42pm Msg #183537
Who is an Independent Contractor?
(per IRS:,,id=99921,00.html)
A general rule is that you, the payer, have the right to control or direct only the result of the work done by an independent contractor, and not the means and methods of accomplishing the result.

It is critical that you, the employer, correctly determine whether the individuals providing services are employees or independent contractors. Generally, you must withhold income taxes, withhold and pay Social Security and Medicare taxes, and pay unemployment tax on wages paid to an employee. You do not generally have to withhold or pay any taxes on payments to independent contractors.

Caution: If you incorrectly classify an employee as an independent contractor, you can be held liable for employment taxes for that worker, plus a penalty.

Original Message: Dress code emailed over from TC Posted by NCLisa of NC on 4/2/07 5:45pm Msg #183407

Just got a required dress code sent over from a TC I do lots of business with. It says that women are required to wear dresses or skirts and pantyhose. Women are also required to wear "full" makeup. I almost fell on the floor laughing at this. Men were required wear suit or sport slacks, and a shirt with collar, a tie is not required. I don't understand why the men are not required to wear full makeup?

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Messages in this Thread
 Who is an Indep Contractor? Dress code emailed over from TC -  Keystone/PA on 4/3/07 12:42pm
 Re: Who is an Indep Contractor? Dress code emailed over from TC -  Dorothy_MI on 4/3/07 1:05pm
 Re: Who is an Indep Contractor? Dress code emailed over from TC -  Susan Fischer on 4/3/07 2:03pm
 Re: Who is an Indep Contractor?...I'm with Susie... n/m -  Stephanie Santiago on 4/3/07 5:37pm
 Re: Who is an Indep Contractor? Dress code emailed over from -  Glenn Strickler on 4/3/07 2:04pm
 Re: Who is an Indep Contractor? Dress code emailed over from -  Glenn Strickler on 4/3/07 2:05pm
 Re: Who is an Indep Contractor? Dress code emailed over from - Scott_IN on 4/3/07 2:14pm
 Re: Who is an Indep Contractor? Dress code emailed over from TC -  ewing2surf on 4/3/07 5:12pm
 Message Deleted - User from on 4/3/07 9:24pm
 Troll! Took the words out of my mouth, Becca n/m -  Lisa Prestegard on 4/3/07 10:06pm
 Message Deleted - User from on 4/3/07 10:27pm
 BTW Joe, Are you using Just for Men now or -  Becca_FL on 4/3/07 9:44pm
 Re: Who is an Indep Contractor? Dress code emailed over from - MaineNotary on 4/4/07 1:33pm

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