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Re: Who is an Indep Contractor? Dress code emailed over from
Posted by  Glenn Strickler of CA on 4/3/07 2:04pm Msg #183544
When I received a similar email, while I did think that it was a little overboard, did not think that asking the people they hire be dressed appropriately out of line. I have actually seen notaries show up in a tank top and shorts at a title company expecting to be put on their list. There are even notaries on this and other sites that have pictures of themselves in t-shirts. Unbelievable. I occasionally get called by a local title company to fill in and I do wear a shirt and tie. That was the main reason I continue to get called from them .. not any special skills I have. When I am in the field, then it is a collared golf shirt and dress slacks. When notaries are on the job, business casual should be the minimum requirement. I have been given the excuse that they can't afford it, but their designer tank top and designer shorts and thongs were more expensive than a generic business casual outfit at one of the big box stores. That first impression can be a real killer. Ask any person who works in the HR department of any company ......

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 Who is an Indep Contractor? Dress code emailed over from TC -  Keystone/PA on 4/3/07 12:42pm
 Re: Who is an Indep Contractor? Dress code emailed over from TC -  Dorothy_MI on 4/3/07 1:05pm
 Re: Who is an Indep Contractor? Dress code emailed over from TC -  Susan Fischer on 4/3/07 2:03pm
 Re: Who is an Indep Contractor?...I'm with Susie... n/m -  Stephanie Santiago on 4/3/07 5:37pm
 Re: Who is an Indep Contractor? Dress code emailed over from -  Glenn Strickler on 4/3/07 2:04pm
 Re: Who is an Indep Contractor? Dress code emailed over from -  Glenn Strickler on 4/3/07 2:05pm
 Re: Who is an Indep Contractor? Dress code emailed over from - Scott_IN on 4/3/07 2:14pm
 Re: Who is an Indep Contractor? Dress code emailed over from TC -  ewing2surf on 4/3/07 5:12pm
 Message Deleted - User from on 4/3/07 9:24pm
 Troll! Took the words out of my mouth, Becca n/m -  Lisa Prestegard on 4/3/07 10:06pm
 Message Deleted - User from on 4/3/07 10:27pm
 BTW Joe, Are you using Just for Men now or -  Becca_FL on 4/3/07 9:44pm
 Re: Who is an Indep Contractor? Dress code emailed over from - MaineNotary on 4/4/07 1:33pm

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